Jimmy Cerone

I ask tough questions because I'd rather know hard truths than comfortable lies.

Penname ManyStories thgispeed.wordpress.com

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Copy Username Signup Form: Lincoln W Daniel My passion is in developing software to enable people to accomplish their goals more efficiently. On a mission to make the internet bigger. It's a marathon.

Followers —

@james_cerone is followed by people.


Copy Username Signup Form: Lincoln W Daniel My passion is in developing software to enable people to accomplish their goals more efficiently. On a mission to make the internet bigger. It's a marathon.


Copy Username Signup Form: Rupert Q. Pumpkin Occam's blender meets Pavlov's ringtone from Plato's mancave ☑ Thank you for being a part of my journey. I know everybody says that -well, everybody who's hippie anyway- but I really mean it. Life is short and for some of us who burn bright or simply burn out way quick - life is that much precious. I didn't expect to live to see my twenties, now I'm in my thirties and doing so much with my life. Thank you and do be more a part of my life! medium.com/@R.Q.Pumpkin